Press play more!

Imagine there’s a big shiny play button hidden away in your heart. And that every time you press play, an unstoppable playful mood wells up inside you, causing you to try something different. To not feel the overwhelming weight of responsibility on your shoulders, but just do something. Because it’s funny. Because you’re curious. Then how many times did you press play this year?


See, when we press an external play button, a set sequence of actions and scenes passes on our screen and enters our mind. Maybe because someone else decided to press their internal play button. Did something new. Created something funny. Yay for that. But let’s not stay there. The more we only press the external play button, the more dust our internal one gathers.


This is a call to press play more in 2018. Screw the people who frown at us. Screw your mother in law who believes that embracing playfulness is immature. If, like me, you want to make this world more social, safe and fun, then we’ll have to have loads of that awesome playfulness we had as a child. A playfulness we lost by pushing too many external play buttons. We must be brave enough to see the difference between childish and childlike. If you’re with me, then let’s do the most responsible and mature thing we can do in 2018: press play more!